I am yet to see one public toilet in Brunei which is clean, well equipped and well maintained. I have to exclude the toilets in hotel lobbies, as hotels would normally keep their toilets clean. Well, I think my last statement excludes the two hotels in Gadong owned by this Brunei family. Have you been to the one in the hotel lobby next to the famous Chinese restaurant? Anyway, I can't understand why building owners could not keep their toilets clean and well equipped. How many times have you gone to a toilet, only to find toilet papers were not available, the floor was flooded, the toilet seat has gone missing, the soap dispenser was empty and hand dryers were not available?
I am always impressed with the toilets in Singapore. Regardless of the place you visit in Singapore, you could always never fail to find a clean toilet. I have a phobia against doing a no. 2 in public toilets. I really hate having to clean up after the person before me, just to do my business. Why can't we learn from the Singaporeans about toilet etiquette? I thought toilet etiquette was taught in schools, but why do still see dirty and filthy toilets everywhere in Brunei?
If toilet etiquette was taught at schools....why is it even the school toilets tend to be dirty?
I think everyone knows toilet etiquette as I would think that our personal home toilets are clean. But somehow, when it is not our toilet (ie. public toilets) then the Brunei 'not my problem' attitude engages.
It is not about etiquette, it is attitude.
Time for that special photog tour...."Kenali Jamban Kitani".
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