Friday, November 14, 2008

I am obese, me......

Every three years, everyone in the company that I work for goes for a medical health checkup during the Healthy Lifestyle Programme (HLP) Week. Among the things that we have to do are weight check, blood test, urine test and diet consultation.

I had mine last done three years ago and this year I had to do it again. And from my weight check and body mass index (BMI), I fall into the obese category. Can you really believe that I am obese? Apparently, to return to 'normal', I have to lose at least 9kg! 

This is me in June this year and don't think I have changed much since.....

So now, I have to start my strict diet and exercise regime. No more fried stuff for lunch. No more secind helpings for dinner. No more snacking in the middle of the night. I need to do more than badminton. I must start running again. 

This week is (hopefully) my final week of indulgence. So wish me luck.....


Cookiedough said...

No way Bulge...salah kali scales ah. If you're obese then I must be......??????

CL said...

NooOOooOOooO!!!!!!! :-( Then Then Then... who's gonna eat all the stuff i cook and bake!!!!!!!!! NooooOOooooOooo! It was someone elses report!!

CL said...

NooOOooOOooO!!!!!!! :-( Then Then Then... who's gonna eat all the stuff i cook and bake!!!!!!!!! NooooOOooooOooo! It was someone elses report!!

Anonymous said...

Cookie: I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the scales weren't broken. But BMI is very misleading. I'm big boned, so I'm heavy!

CL: You made your point, but no need to post twice! :) Lets have a deal, I go on diet during the weekday and I'll binge during the weekend. Deal?