Friday, September 12, 2008

Spare some thoughts.....

Aidilfitri will be once again upon us. It is the time to celebrate the end of Ramadhan. It is the time to celebrate with loved ones. It is the time where people get to dress up in their new clothes.

Well, not everyone will be lucky enough to dress up in their new clothes. There are some unfortunate people who will celebrate Aidilfitri as if it was just another day. I was talking to my sister who is a teacher in one of the schools in KB. In one of her classes, she was talking to some of her students and asking them about their Aidilfitri preparation. Most of her students told her that they have made some new dresses. Then she came to this particular girl who said a simple no, as her family could not afford to do that.

How many of us sulk when our parents 'only' got us two sets of new clothes? How many of us have a bulging wardrobe at home, with clothes from previous years that we would never wear again? How many of us would not think twice to buy the latest gadget? How many of us would actually stop and spare some thoughts for the unfortunates?

Aidilfitri is also the time to give and offer some extra special for the unfortunates. Lets do that.


Anonymous said...

Well, not all of us are lucky and some people said that we live in an unfair world..There is a reason why Allah let this kind of thing happens..Anyway, selamat berpuasa to you and selamat berbuka later..:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, some may be lucky and some may be not. My post was more towards asking what we, who are lucky, can do to help those who are not.

Perhaps the reason is that Allah wanted to see if we, the lucky ones, are kind enough to help those who are not?

Anonymous said...

Yup, you are definitely right..Now will be the time when the lucky ones help the unlucky ones..and there will be time as well when the lucky ones needed the help from the unlucky ones..Hence, we need each other in this world..Keep posting up more good materials filled with advice, after all, it is ibadah too..take care :)