Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Getting swarmed by Facebook!

I joined the social networking website Facebook around four months ago. When I first started, I really liked the idea of adding applications, where I could poke my friends, throw silly things to them, give them gifts and whatever else my heart desire.

Now, four months down the line, my Gmail (which I used to register my Facebook account with) account is getting hijacked by the various Facebook-affiliated application providers, which sent emails for whatever event. I definitely did not need to know if someone viewed my profile or if someone took a stupid quiz and challenged me to better his/her score. Nowadays, 90% of the emails that I received through my Gmail account are these stupid notification emails.

What else do I hate about Facebook now? I hate it whenever I do some 'what type of lover/kisser/human being/animal' kind of quiz, I need to send emails and invite my friends to do the same quiz so that I can find out 'what type of lover/kisser/human being/animal' I am. That is spam, isn't it?? And what irritates me more is that sometimes I need to invite something like 50 friends to get the result, where I currently only have 42 friends! Are they trying to tell me to make more friends??

There seems to be an endless amount of applications on Facebook. After not logging in for a few days, now I have 50 invites for applications. I am just going to ignore them now; I wished there was this function where I could just ignore them all with the press of just one button.

Now I have 224 applications on my profile. I do not know if anyone else experiences this, but somehow my Internet Explorer slows down a lot, or worse still freezes, whenever I go to Facebook.

I think I will sit down properly one of these days and delete all those applications that I do not really need. I do not want to delete my account on Facebook; I agree it's one of the best place to keep in touch with friends, long-lost or not. I just think I need to manage my account properly.

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