Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend update....

It has been such a busy week.

Firstly, we welcome a new addition to the family; my seventh nephew (or the 20th 'anak buah'). He was finally born after keeping his mum in labour for more than 24 hours! As with the other anak buah, he has got our facial features. Close friends would know what I am talking about! Congrats to the Double F couple on the birth of your first child; hope this is the first of many!

Then Dad got admitted into the hospital. He had been complaining of back pain, which grew worse as the week wore on. After Friday prayer and lunch, he tried to get up from the chair, but he could not move. He was complaining of the pain being sharper than ever. I was at work and left work immediately. We then took the decision to take him to the hospital. He was x-rayed and observed under ultrasound, but all the tests were negative. He was discharged yesterday, but last night complained of the same pain and could not move much. We decided not to take him to hospital yet, but would try alternative medicine, such as chinese medicine.

My sister was admitted since Tuesday and only gave birth on Thursday. She is still at the hospital as she needed some blood transfusion as her blood haemoglobin was low. I volunteered to donate some blood yesterday to replenish the blood bank as my sister would have taken the whole content of the blood bank. That was the first time that I donated blood, so it was perhaps the start of my life-saving initiative, after failing to become a doctor! I also found out that my blood type was O-positive, so basically I could donate blood to anyone.

And by the way, it was not an iPhone, it was an iPod Touch. But still a nice toy to have!

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