Hasn't it happened to us all? Has it ever happened to you that, as you hit the send button, you realised that you have sent an sms to the wrong person and you actually moan about that person in that sms?
There was one time that I really wished I had not done it. I was upset with a friend, so to moan about it, I composed a quite nasty sms which I intended to send to another friend. Both of these friends had the same first two letters in their names, so I keyed in the first two letters and then pressed the send button. As soon as I hit the send button, I realised that it was being sent to the person I was moaning about! I tried to do some damage control; I sms'ed and called him to apologise but he was having none of it and did not reply my sms and return my call. Obviously the person was not too pleased and we sort of had a fall out from that incident.
People says time is a healer and I am glad that we are now talking to each other again, but I could not stop thinking that he still remembers that sms and still hates me for it.
C'est La Vie.....
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