Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Week 3 in B- Town

Hey peeps!

Updating this while at work. Well, there is no internet connection from work, I am drafting this using MS Word; while hearing the LadyBoss telling off one of the staff.

Yup, the LB is very vocal and loud, and tend to tell off her staff in front of everyone. This particular staff is a real quiet type and his responses range from ‘hmmm’ to ‘yes’, via lots of head noddings.

This is my third week here. Only just got my professional work permit which last till the end of the training. Training is going ok; nothing particularly spectacular. It’s becoming more like revision for me. Will need to do more hands-on training la.

As mentioned, I still haven’t got any access to IT network here. I don’t have the slightest idea why it takes this long to give me a simple password to my account. I usually rely on my hotel WI-FI connection, which tend to slow down after 8pm. At least, it’s free and I should not complain. Shot off one email to my colleagues back home, but I guess no one missed me! Nobody replied!

Ever since I started working in this B-Town, I tend to listen to an English-speaking radio station, which transmits to the whole country. I notice most DJ’s tend to be K. Wonder why ah?

And you need some times to get used to driving here. You can basically throw out your highway code book out of the window. You can see people driving on a snail’s pace on the right-hand lane and cannot seem to notice frustrated drivers behind them; kamikaze drivers and motorcyclists overtaking you as if they were on a racing track; thoughtless drivers stopping suddenly on the road picking up/dropping off passengers; drivers running through the redlight as if they’d spend a day’s worth of time waiting for it to turn green again; and list is endless.

OK lah; need to go back to the training. Will post more later.



Bulgemeister said...

Mr Bulgemeisterrr, please add some pics from B-town for us to visualise what it's like. For eg, the infamous K-club, the new mall, the roads on your journey home, etc, etc...

Bulgemeister said...

Oh yeah, how come I never thought of doing that? :)

Ok, I will try to get some pix then. Not a member of the K-Club yet, but I can probably stop on the way back from work.

The Bulgemeisterrr

U n t i t l e d said...

More post! More post! Need updates! Hahahaha! It's past week 3 already. =p~