Thursday, January 8, 2009

7.5 x 2 = 15.5??

I saw these at one of the department stores in the Seri area. Whoever decides what price of items are to be sold at should be sent back to school to learn simple arithmetic....

One bottle of this shower gel costs BND7.50 .....

.... and 2 similar bottles of the same shower gel should cost ....... BND15.50??

All this time, I thought it was always of better value when you bought in bigger quantity.....


Anonymous said...

Could it be because the single bottle is the "Original" version and the 2-pack is the "Cool" version?

Bulgemeister said...

Not really, it's the same price for all types.

Anonymous said...

* It costs more to be 'cool'.
* The plastic needed to package the two together costs money...$0.50 to be exact.
* It took $0.50 worth of manhours to pack the two items together.
* The shop is the 'First' to package two bottles together. This 'exclusivity' allows them to charge a premium.